Terms of Use


Welcome to EBank Trade World, a web-based solution offered to you by EBank!

EBank Trade World is made of two solutions:

- EBank Trade Portal is a web-based solution offering access to business information for business clients of EBank.
- EBank Trade Club is a networking solution allowing business clients of EBank to connect with one another or with business clients from other connected banks.

The Website running both solutions are developed, maintained and powered by a third-party service provider, Export Entreprises doing business as eexpand (EE).

Please note that access to the Website and registration as further defined and described hereinafter is subject to approval by EBank.


1. Definitions

EBank: EBank is a bank headquartered in Cairo, Egypt.

EBank Trade Club: EBank Trade Club is a community-based solution addressed to business customers of EBank. The EBank Trade Club gives access to communities of other Banks that also make use of the "Trade Club" white labeled platform solution offered by EE under their own brands.

EBank Trade Portal: EBank Trade Portal is a gateway of curated trade information / content in excess of 190 countries. The information on the portal includes but is not limited to country information, market information, industry, business directory, importers and exporters, customs organizations, trade controls and various types of reports.

Applicable Laws: means all national, provincial, local and municipal legislation or subordinate legislation, ordinances, regulations, by-laws, rules and/or other laws of any relevant Regulatory Authority and any other instrument having the force of law as may be issued and in force from time to time as well as common law, all as relating to or connected with the activities contemplated under this Agreement and as updated from time to time.

Affiliates: means in relation to EBank, a subsidiary or a holding company of that Party, or any subsidiary of the holding company and all of its subsidiaries.

Business Card: A business card presents the key details of a Company in the directory listing pages of the EBank Trade Club.

Business Card Data: Users fill in forms, post links and upload files to create or amend the extended Business Card of their Company in the EBank Trade Club; these constitute the Business Card Data. The extended Business Card is made available by clicking on "discover more" on the Business Card. It shows all details available about a Company. The Bank’s Community Managers have the right to edit the elements of the business, and should they wish they can notify the company (via the CMBO or the channel of their choice) once they have done so.

Community Manager: The Community Manager has the position of building, growing and managing the online community of EBank Trade Club. This service is performed in English. He/she can be reached via the "Conctact Community Manager" link in EBank Trade Club

Company: Users list their Company in EBank Trade Club. There might be several Users for one Company. These Users will be nominated by a person who has a related party relationship on a business account with the bank

Content of the Website: the Content of the Website Content (also referred to as “Website Content) is the sum of the Editorial Content + the Users’ Generated Content

Data Controller: the data controller of this Website is EBank

Data Processor: the data processor of this Website is Export Entreprises doing business as eexpand

Editorial Content: Trade Resources, Page texts as well as any other type of content posted on EBank Trade World by EBank and EE constitute the Editorial Content of EBank Trade World.

EE or Export Enterprises: Export Entreprises doing business as eexpand SA, Société Anonyme with capital of EUR 1.000.370 with headquarters at 1, rue de Stockholm - Paris. Registered with the RCS Paris under the SIREN No: 950571224.

Group: means EBank and any of its Affiliates, as constituted on the Effective Date and as amended or reconstituted from time to time. Effective Date means today or, when investigating past events, the date where the events took place.

Matchmaking Suggestions: A Matchmaking Suggestion is a link created between two Companies, one member of EBank Trade Club and one member of a Trade Club of another bank, suggesting they could find interest in exploring each other’s activities. It can either be generated automatically by an algorithm that selects possible counterparts for any given Company, based on products traded and topics of interest or by a Community Manager who handpicks and features possible counterparts for a given Company.

Notifications: Notifications are alert messages sent to a registered user when a new event of interest for its company is published (new message, new matchmaking, new matchmaking from the community manager, etc.). These alerts are sent by email to all registered users; optionally they can also be sent on mobile phone if the user has decided so and connected to a mobile channel in the “Mobile notifications” section.

Opportunity: An Opportunity is a request for offers posted within the Website by a User and made available to other Users

Personal Information: means information about an identifiable, natural person and where applicable, a juristic person, including, but not limited to information about: race; gender; sex; pregnancy; marital status; nationality; ethnic or social origin; colour; sexual orientation; age; physical or mental health; well-being; disability; religion; conscience; belief; culture; language; birth; education; medical, financial, criminal or employment history; any identifying number, symbol, e-mail, postal or physical address, telephone number; location; any online identifier; any other particular assignment of the person; biometric information; personal opinions, views or preferences of the person or the views or opinions of another individual about the person; correspondence sent by the person that is implicitly or explicitly of a private or confidential nature or further correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence; and the name of the person if it appears with other personal information relating to the person or if the disclosure of the name itself would reveal information about the person.

Process: means any operation or activity or any set of operations, whether or not by automatic means, concerning Data, including its collection, receipt, recording, organisation, collation, storage, updating or modification, merging, linking, blocking, degradation, erasure or destruction retrieval, alteration, consultation, testing or use, dissemination or distribution by any means and "Processing” shall have a corresponding meaning;

Regulatory Authority: could be a data privacy regulatory body, or the central bank, or any body which decisions are biding for the bank.

Terms of Use: The present terms and conditions.

User: natural person who is a registered user of EBank Trade World and who has created a profile. A user acts on behalf and for the account of his or her Company. Unless otherwise specified or otherwise required in the light of the specific context, any reference to "you" or "User" should be read as a reference to the relevant Company.

Users’ Generated Content: Business Card Data, Users’ Messages and Opportunities, or any other type of content posted by Users on EBank Trade World as well as all communications of/between Users constitute the user Generated Content of EBank Trade World.

User's Message: A communication sent from one User to another User in the EBank Trade Club.

Website: Means the web based platform encompassing the EBank Trade Club as well as the EBank Trade Portal. Users can login to this platform with their UserID and can access the services.


2. Registration

Anyone who desires to access the Website must register as set out below and review these Terms of Use with the utmost of care, print them, and keep a copy thereof. The Terms of Use are accepted when first accessing the web page and with every visit thereafter.

 EBank may modify, alter or update these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified Terms of Use to the Website unless provided otherwise. Any subsequent use of the Website shall constitute such User's consent to the modification, alteration or update.

When first accessing the Website via the authentication the customer must enter the required information in the registration form. If this information is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, access to the Website may be denied or suspended. After completing the form, new identification data will be created for access, such as user name and password, which may be used exclusively by the Company and those authorised to access the Website in his or her name (the "User").

This authentication information is personal and confidential. The User agrees to handle it confidentially and never divulge it to third parties in any form and inform EBank promptly about any use by unauthorised third persons.

Users are wholly and solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their access credentials to EBank Trade World; they are wholly and solely liable for all activities occurring there under. EBank is not responsible for misuse or misappropriation of any content a User has posted on EBank Trade Club. EBank cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from a User's failure to comply with this Section.

Access to the Website and a consultation of the same is possible around the clock, except for the times when upgrade or maintenance procedures are performed, or when there are problems that are attributable to the network providers. Access to the Website requires the recognition and confirmation of the User that he or she is authorised contractually to represent a Company with respect to requests for services and information that he or she could forward.

Subject to the foregoing, every User expressly acknowledges that EBank may interrupt at any time without prior notice access to the Website or delete a personal profile, which has the consequence that the User may no longer take advantage of the services provided in the future.


3. Termination of user’s or company’s account and access

 EBank reserves the right to terminate any User’s account and access to the Website at any time when it determines, suspects or confirms that the use of the same, or any of the tools, information and/or resources made available through the Website, constitute a breach or non-compliance of these Terms, the Law or generally accepted moral and social standards. EBank may also terminate a User's access in the event of long term inactivity of the User.

 EBank reserves the right to establish specific practices and limits concerning the use of EBank Trade World.

The termination of any User's access to the Website may be effected without notice and, on such termination, EBank may immediately deactivate or delete said User's account and/or ban any further access.

Termination by EBank, whether for convenience or cause, shall not entitle the User nor its Company to compensation of any kind, and EBank shall not be liable to the User or any other third party for such termination. EBank can notify this termination by email or any other means of communication.

A User may also choose to cease using the Website voluntarily, at any time, whether for convenience or following any issue related to the Website; in which case the User may request for deactivation of its account using the means provided on the Website to this effect or using the “Contact us” feature. Deactivating Your account shall be Users’ sole and exclusive remedy for any claim related to the Website and EBank in relation with the same.

A User's request for termination will result in deactivation but not necessarily deletion of the account. In case of termination of an access for whatever reason, EBank reserves the right to delete, or not delete, a User's account at its sole discretion, as well as to delete, or not delete, the content generated by the user at its sole discretion (however not keeping personal information longer than necessary under Data protection).


4. Editorial Content

You are aware that the Editorial Contents available in EBank Trade World may not have been reviewed or edited by Export Enterprises at the time you read them.

You will be liable for any use that You may make of any Editorial Content available from time to time in this Main Section. In this sense, this Main Section is provided solely with informative purposes, to complement your own information. Users (including Registered Users) must have broad authority and enough power to act by and on behalf of their Companies for the purposes stated herein.

Any information on this Website, unless explicitly stated, does not constitute an advice, an offer, a solicitation to conclude a contract, or a binding obligation, by EBank and is not a recommendation or specification for import / export transactions by a Company. The information is not to be considered or used as professional advice from EBank and does not take into account the individual requirements of the Company or User.


5. Trade Club Key Concepts

 EBank Trade Club is a non-transactional online community offered by EBank as part of its trade services, that serves as a point of discovery and contact between members regarding their respective Companies. It is reserved for EBank clients.

The Trade Club experience is based on the principle of interconnection of different communities, meaning that the Users of the EBank Trade Club can engage with the users of the Trade Clubs of overseas banks with which EBank has decided to interconnect its Trade Club.

Members are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner at all times: spamming, stealing, plagiarising etc are strictly forbidden.

As EBank we have the right to moderate, edit and remove contributions, and to remove your account or block your access to the Website as we may deem necessary.

You are aware that the content you read on EBank Trade Club was posted by fellow Users and may not have been reviewed or edited by the Community Manager at the time you read it.


6. Community Managers

The Community Managers have the right to remove/add/make changes to any information on the EBank Trade Club in order to make it more self-explaining to third parties. This information refers to, but is not limited to, Business Card Data, Messages, Opportunities and other Users’ Generated Content. The Community Managers have the right to limit the messages and the interaction of members. The Community Managers, acting under EBank Trade Club, reserves the right, but have no obligation, to monitor disputes between Users and to restrict, suspend, or close accounts if deemed necessary.

Each User agrees that User's Messages may be read by the Community Managers for reasons of checking compliance with the Terms of Use.


7. Business Card

In order to use the EBank Trade Club Users must represent their company to fellow members of the EBank Trade Club as well as to member of the Trade Club interconnected with the EBank Trade Club by the mean of a “Business Card”; a Business card is a virtual card that contains a set of company information (name, activity, industry, products sold, website, etc) presenting to fellow Members the key details of a Company in the various features of the EBank Trade Club: the Directory Listing Pages, in the Matchmaking suggestions, etc.

Business cards need to be as complete as possible and filled in English, in order to facilitate understanding of the company’s activity by fellow members. The better the Business Card is filled in, the easier it is for the Community Managers and for the algorithm to suggest relevant Matchmaking, for the fellow members to understand if they want to engage with the company or not.


8. Messages

Users can contact users of the interconnected Trade Clubs using a private message exchange system and engage in a conversation with users of the Trade Clubs of our Partner Banks via the EBank Trade Club. The content included in these Messages may be monitored by the Community Managers in order to ensure that the community guidelines and rules of conduct are observed by all Users.

In this sense, the information that is transmitted to the recipient of a Message sent by another Users via the EBank Trade Club is limited to the content of the actual Message sent and the identification of the Company that the User represents. No personal or identification information will be forwarded to the recipient, unless the sender includes any such information within the Message text.

When exchanging or directing Messages towards other Users, you should be aware that certain Messages or activities may be restricted. In Particular, we do not allow spamming or advertising within the EBank Trade Club and we may limit your activity if we detect that you are engaging in any of these practices.

To understand what is considered spamming and advertising, please take into account the following guidelines for the following types of Messages:

  • Unique Message: personalised Message sent to one (1) User.
  • Target Campaign: personalised or template Message sent to several Users -between one (1) and twenty (20)- pertaining to relevant Companies with a specific business goal.
  • Partnership Messages: Messages sent between Users providing the same services.
  • Mass Campaign: template Messages sent to more than twenty (20) Companies, both relevant and non-relevant, with a specific business goal.
  • Advertising: Messages sent to: (i) both relevant and non-relevant Companies explaining your Company’s activity and/or business goal, and (ii) one (1) same recipient repeatedly.



YES = Message inclined to be accepted and validated

NO = Message inclined to be declined and not forwarded to the recipient





Mass Campaign


Messages exchanged by Companies operating within the same sector (e.g. wine – wine) or related sectors (e.g. wine – food)






Messages exchanged by Companies from different business sectors but with a valid link between them (e.g. wine – transport)






Messages exchanged by Companies operating within different sectors






Mix of the first three Message types above






Duplicate Messages

NO, starting from the third message

NO, starting from the third message

NO, starting from the third message

NO, starting from the third message

NO, starting from the third message

In any case, please note that the above guidelines are merely indicative and do not reflect any specific reality as we, together with the Community Managers, will have final say in the validation of Messages. You may contact the Community Manager for further information and/or validation via the "Contact the community manager" form

 EBank encourages Users to respond to all Messages, at least to acknowledge reception. EBank and the Community Manager shall in no case be held responsible for the lack of response by a fellow member. Please note that repeated absence of response by a User can be a reason for removing their account or blocking its access to EBank Trade Club as deemed necessary.

 EBank Trade Club has no responsibility or liability for the deletion or failure to store any messages or other communications or other content maintained or transmitted by EBank Trade Club and reserves the rights to mark as “inactive” and archive or delete accounts and/or content that are inactive for an extended period of time.


9. Opportunities

Users have the capacity to :

- post requests for offers, called “Opportunities” in the EBank Trade Club
- browse and reply to Opportunities published by other Users

Users are wholly and solely responsible for all activities related to the Opportunities that they posted or engaged with. EBank is not responsible for misuse or misappropriation of any Opportunity a User has posted on EBank Trade Club; EBank assumes no liability, obligation or responsibility for any part of any business originated.

 EBank reserves the right to refuse, modify or delete any Opportunity posted by a User in its sole discretion, that does not fulfill the purpose of the Website or that violates the Terms of Use or may be otherwise illegal.


10. Notifications

By registering on the Website, Users consent to receive Notifications from the EBank Trade Club. Such notifications are sent on the email address they have provided when registering, and include communication regarding their activity as well as business alerts for their company (new message, new matchmaking, new matchmaking from the community manager).

Users can also decide to receive such notifications on their mobile phone by registering on the page “My mobile notifications” inside their user account section. This service is free and Users can opt-out at any time directly from their account.


10. Promotional Messages

By accessing the Website, Users consent to receive Promotional Messages from EBank, our Affiliates and third-party vendors. These Promotional Messages include notices and promotions related to each subject’s own products or services. Each subject is responsible for their own promotional messages, and particularly EBank does not offer any warranty or guarantee regarding promotional messages sent to Users by third parties, including partner banks and vendors, and EBank shall in no case be liable for any aspect of the same, regardless of their presence in the Website.


11. Users’ Generated Content Responsibility

When required to posted or transmit content users must:

- Provide true, accurate, current and complete content
- Maintain and promptly update their content.

All information, data, text, software, audio/video content (including sound, graphics, and still or moving images, etc.), or any other materials whatsoever, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted by Users through the EBank Trade Club, whether in the form of Company details, Business Card, Messages, Opportunities or more, is the sole responsibility of the User from whom such originated.

This means that each User, and not EBank, is entirely responsible for all content that he or she uploads, posts, emails or otherwise transmits via EBank Trade Club. Users may enter into correspondence with or engage into business outside EBank Trade Club with Companies or Vendors based on the products or services descriptions posted on EBank Trade Club. Any such correspondence or business, including the delivery of and the payment for goods and services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such correspondence or promotions, are solely between the corresponding Users, Companies and Vendors. EBank assumes no liability, obligation or responsibility for any part of any such correspondence, promotion and business. It is the sole responsibility of each Company to investigate its commercial counterparty in accordance with normal business practices.

 EBank reserves the right to refuse, modify or delete any content, including but not limited to content of which it becomes aware and deems, in its sole discretion, that does not fulfill the purpose of the Website or that violates the Terms of Use or may be otherwise illegal.

Under no circumstances will EBank be liable in any way for any Users’ Generated Content, including, but not limited to, liability for any errors or omissions in any content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted to, or emailed or otherwise transmitted via EBank Trade Club.

The User commits themselves not to direct claims to any other bank connected to the Website in regard to damage incurred as a result of any of the circumstances mentioned above.

 EBank has no responsibility or liability for the deletion or failure to store any messages or other communications or other User Generated Content maintained or transmitted by EBankTrade Club.


12. Licensing and terms applying to Users' generated Content

When posting content, the submitting User retains ownership of his content and, in exchange for being permitted to use EBank Trade Club and benefit of the services offered through EBank Trade Club, grants:

- to EBank a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable license to publish such content in EBank Trade Club, let other Users print, view, access it in their web browser while accessing EBank Trade Club, and/or to incorporate it in other services related to EBank Trade Club and make it available to the Users in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed such as Apps, RSS feeds, etc.

- to EE a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable license to publish such content in all TradeClubs that are interconnected with EBank Trade Club, let users of such platforms print, view, access it in their web browser while accessing their TradeClub, and/or to incorporate it in other services related to the TradeClub run by EE and make it available to the users of those TradeClubs in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed such as Apps, RSS feeds, etc.

Subsequently EBank hereby grants to Users the right to print, view, and perform such content from fellow users of interconnected Trade Clubs (excluding User's Messages) solely within a web browser while accessing EBank Trade Club for their personal use.

If you think someone has stolen or misused your intellectual property on EBank Trade Club, please report it via the "Contact us" form.


13. Usage of the Website

 EBank declares that the Content of the Website cannot be completely or partially copied, reproduced, edited, translated, republished, charged, transmitted, forwarded or distributed in any form without prior written authorisation from EBank; exceptions include activities such as printing for your own usage, downloading and viewing a part of the Contents of the Website according to these Terms of Use and subject to the necessity that all information related to the rights of intellectual and/or industrial property rights are respected.

Users may not create a derivative work from the Content of the Website without the prior written permission of EBank. Users may not remove, obscure, or modify any copyright or other notices concerning the Content.

The User agrees to use the Content of the Website exclusively for its own internal purposes and not to share it - neither for payment nor free of charge - with third parties or market it directly or indirectly. Failure to comply with this condition will result in deactivation or deletion of the account and the username, subject to any legal action that EBank could take for the purpose of obtaining compensation claims against the subject who committed the transgression.

The Content of the Website may not be fully or partly distributed through communication channels such as the Internet, television or radio systems or any other system without prior written authorisation from EBank.

You agree not to sell, resell, or offer for any commercial purposes, any portion of the Website, access to the Website or its Content without the express written consent of EBank.

The Users are the only ones responsible for the use of the Website and its Content. Therefore EBank cannot be considered in any way liable if the User utilises the Website or its Content illegally.


14. Obligations of the Users of the Website

 EBank Trade World is provided solely as a convenience to you. By using EBank Trade World you warrant that you will not use EBank Trade World or any of the Website Content, nor will you post User Generated Content, for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms or Use.

All Users who access the Website declare, implicitly, to be of legal age and agree to:

(a) not use the Website and the material that it contains for purposes that are illicit, contrary to, Applicable Laws, current regulations, and/or in violation of third-party rights;
(b) act responsibly and in good faith when navigating and using the Website;
(c) use the Website only to benefit from the related services in accordance with the Terms of Use;
(d) not interact on the Website in the name of or on behalf of a third party where the latter has not provided binding authority to do so.
(e) not set up any automatic navigation over the Website (scripts, crawlers, etc.)

All Users who access the Website agree not to use it themselves or allow a third party to use it in order to:

(a) modify, breach, disable or damage existing security features on the Website or to probe their weaknesses;
(b) intervene in any way in the navigation of the Website or in the use of services by attempting - for example only - to overburden the system or Website itself or to spread viruses;
(c) access any services offered from a platform other than the homepage of the Website;
(d) attempt to circumvent the security measures of the Website or to violate the network in which it occurs by accessing data that are not specifically designed for the Users or probing the security of other networks (e.g. by "port scanning");
(e) carry out any form of network monitoring to intercept data that is not specifically designed for individual Users;
(f) send unsolicited emails including "junk mail" or other advertising materials to those who did not specifically request such. Specifically, Users are expressly forbidden to send unwanted mass emails ("bulk mail"), including commercial e-mail, messages about promotions or information on political or religious surveys;
(g) send or receive information and/or content that is technically harmful (including but not limited to computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or harmful data); can cause unwarranted interference, incidents or attacks; aims to intercept, or attempts to intercept communications that were transmitted via telecommunications systems; is intended for any type of fraudulent purposes.

All Users who post User Generated Content agree not to:

(a) transmit through EBank Trade Club any unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable, threatening, or harmful material of any kind or nature; or material that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation;
(b) impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a EBank Trade Club official or a User, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;
(c) upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that you do not have a right to transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships, such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under confidentiality agreements;
(d) upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;
(e) upload, post or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
(f) interfere with, attempt to gain unauthorized access to, or disrupt EBank Trade Club or computer systems hosting EBank Trade Club;
(g) violate any applicable local, state, national or international law;
(h) "stalk" or otherwise harass another User or Company;
(i) copy or transfer any part of EBank Trade World;
(j) promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities, promote physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promote any act of cruelty to animals; and
(k) interfere with another User's use of EBank Trade Club.

All Users agree to inform EBank if they uncover or become aware of any of the above circumstances by filling in the web form under "Contact us" on the homepage of the Website.


15. Intellectual property rights

 EBank and its providers own all intellectual property, proprietary information to publish the Editorial Content in relation to the Website as well as to publish the Users’ Generated Content.

All trade marks, domain names, business names, company names, logos, devices, inscriptions, word marks and/or any other form of intellectual property on our Website, belong to EBank or other parties that maintain business relations of different types with EBank. Nothing on our Website is a licence (permission) or right to use the aforementioned intellectual property, for any purpose. Therefore, the reproduction and/or adaptation and/or use of the same is strictly prohibited in any form or type without express authorisation from EBank and/or the respective legal owner thereof.

Even if any content on the Website is not confidential or there is no copyright in it, EBank and its providers own such content.

If you believe that your work has been copied and is accessible on EBank Trade World in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, you may notify EBank with the following information in writing:

1. Documented evidence that you have directly requested the infringing User to remove the concerned material and/or seize the infringing activities;

2. the electronic or physical signature of the owner of the copyright or the person authorized to act on the owner's behalf;

3. identification of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;

4. identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing and information reasonably sufficient to permit EBank to locate the material, including the full URL.

5. your name, address, telephone number, and email address.

6. a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;

7. a statement, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.

After receiving a claim of infringement, EBank will investigate and take appropriate actions within reasonable limits and on a best effort basis. EBank responds promptly to claims of intellectual property misuse.


16. Availability of the Website

Although EBank is using innovative solutions to maintain the Website accessible at all times and free of any defects, it declares that the computer systems used for access could be inaccessible, incompatible, or not free from defects, viruses and/or other malfunctions. Consequently, anyone accessing the Website recognises and accepts explicitly that its use is "in its present condition, subject to availability."

If any issues arise while on the Website, Users can send an email to the section "Contact us" available on the homepage of the Website. EBank does not assume responsibility for any damages incurred due to the lack of accessibility to the Website services or as a result of damage caused by viruses, corrupted files, errors, omissions, interruptions of service, deletion of content, problems with the network, providers or telephone connections and/or telematics connections, unauthorised access, data manipulation, or by malfunction and/or faulty function of the electronic devices of the User himself.


17. Liability of EBank

The use of EBank Trade World is at the User's sole risk.

 EBank Trade World is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Users acknowledge and accept that the Contents are for general informative purposes and are not intended to provide legal, financial or business advice or counsel. Neither EBank nor Export Enterprises make no warranty regarding the accuracy of the contents and assume no obligation to update any of the content or any other information contained therein. Likewise neither EBank nor Export Enterprises or other providers and partners of the Website endorse any responsibility for the decisions made by the users nor for the business originated through the Website. If a User chooses to access a specific content and make decisions based on it or to engage with another user or its company he does so on his own initiative and risk, as a professional, to complement its own business resources, being solely responsible for execution risks and compliance with any and all applicable laws.

Although the information presented on the Website is updated, the content is not exhaustive and is not to be regarded as exhaustive. The material contained in the Website should be considered "as is", with the possible consequence that it is inappropriate and/or not adequate for the Company's and/or User's specific needs and interests. Therefore EBank does not guarantee the reliability of the information contained in the Website and cannot be held accountable for:

- Any errors or omissions in the information available on the Website;

- Any loss, damage, or expense (including legal fees) caused by the content of the Website or that can be attributed to it.

with Internet presence of third-party right holders, for example third party websites, may also be in the Website Content, regardless of the entity placing such links. In such a case, the hyperlinks have the sole function of facilitating Users to navigate, without the content of the Website and the information presented on the homepage of the third-party website being related, and therefore are entirely outside the area of responsibility of EBank. In addition, the presence of such links may not be taken as an indication or recommendation of EBank to visit the linked web pages in any way. In this context it should be noted that EBank does not control such websites or the information on these websites display, with the result that EBank cannot be held liable in any way for the content, regulations, truth, accuracy and adequacy of the materials, information or the services presented on these third-party pages. 

Users take full responsibility for information they may share directly with other Users. The User indemnifies EBank against any claim and damages which EBank may suffer in respect of information shared with other Users inside and outside the parameters of the EBank Trade World.

As noted above, EBank does not and cannot control all the actions of site Users, Vendors or linked third parties. EBank reserves the right to report any malfeasance that comes to its attention to the appropriate authorities. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by any User from or through EBank Trade Club shall create any warranty not expressly made herein. Moreover nothing herein shall be deemed to create an agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchisor-franchisee relationship of any kind between EBank and any User or other person or entity nor do these Terms of Use extend rights to any third party.

 EBank expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Specifically, EBank makes no warranty that:

(i) EBank Trade Club or any goods or service listed thereon will meet your requirements,

(ii) any User's access will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free,

(iii) the quality of any content, goods, products, services, information or other material obtained by any User from any other User or any Vendor will meet his or her expectations. It is the sole responsibility of each Company to investigate its commercial counterparty in accordance with normal business practices,

(iv) any errors in the content and in the software will be corrected.

Users agree to indemnify EBank and hold it harmless for all damages, losses and costs (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees and costs) related to all third party claims, charges, and investigations, caused by (1) your failure to comply with these Terms of Use, including, without limitation, your submission of content that violates third party rights or applicable laws, (2) any content you submit to EBank Trade Club (3) any activity in which you engage as a result of Matchmaking Suggestions or Opportunities in EBank Trade Club and (4) any sharing of information with other Users in relation to the EBank Trade Club.

 EBank does not guarantee continuous uninterrupted or secure access to EBank Trade World. Operation of EBank Trade World may be subject to interference from numerous factors outside EBank's control. Further, scheduled and preventive maintenance as well as required and emergency maintenance work may temporarily interrupt services or access to EBank Trade World.

By accessing EBank Trade World, Users accept that EBank is not liable for any system failure that may delete or fail to transmit or store any communications or content available from time to time in EBank Trade World. EBank nor its providers assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, deletion, mis-delivery or failure to store any User's communications or personalization settings. User understands and agrees that any material and/or data downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the service is done at User's own discretion and risk and that each User will be solely responsible for any damage to his or her computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material.

 EBank shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential Bank or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of goods, property, profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if EBank has been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from any User's use or inability to use EBank Trade World or services thereon; resulting from any goods or services purchased or obtained or messages received or transactions entered into as a result of EBank Trade Club Matchmaking Suggestions and Opportunities (including Matchmaking Suggestions selected by the Community Managers); resulting from any unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data; from statements or conduct of any third party on EBank Trade World; or from any other matter relating to EBank Trade World.

 EBank expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.

 EBank can't be held liable for any damage (direct or indirect) suffered by a User or a Company as a result of or caused by, or by the use or consultation of, any goods, products, services, information or other material offered through or via the Website.

The User commits itself not to direct claims to any other bank connected to the Website in regard to damage incurred as a result of any of the circumstances mentioned above.

The foregoing disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability apply, without limitation, to any damages or injury caused by the failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of or use of any asset, whether arising out of breach of contract, tortious behavior, negligence or any other course of action by EBank.

You may close your account at any time and such termination shall be your sole and exclusive remedy.

Large Language Model (LLM) assistance for writing messages

● Any LLM-generated content is provided to the user as an optional suggestion only

● These suggestions are not intended to replace the user's judgment or decision-making

● The user is solely responsible for the content of the messages sent, including those which have been entirely or partly written with the assistance of a LLM technology

● EBank Trade World and Export Entreprises SA (doing business as eexpand) shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages arising from or in connection with the use of the LLM assistance inside the platform

18. Linking and framing

 EBank welcomes backlinks to the Website, but does not allow linking to the Website, including any of its Main Sections and pages, from websites that include content or information that is in any way illicit, illegal, degrading or obscene, or that in general contravene the law, morality, public order or generally accepted social standards.

 EBank has no control nor human or technical resources to access or approve the information, contents, products and services provided by other websites that may establish links to the Website. EBank shall not be liable for any aspects related to the website that contains the link, including, but not limited to, aspects relating to its operation, access, data, information, reliance and quality of its products and/or services, its own links and/or any of its contents in general. The existence of any links to the Website does not imply any type of relationship, collaboration or dependency between EBank and the owners of the third-party website.

It is not permitted without prior written authorisation from EBank to introduce or present the Content of the Website on another website ("Framing").

In order to obtain such written authorisations, the interested parties must submit a separate application by filling in the web form under the "Contact us" section on the homepage. Provided the application for creating a link is approved, the applicant will receive a non-exclusive and non-transferable license for the use of the term " EBank Trade World", solely for the purpose of providing a hyperlink from the Internet presence of the respective rights holders to the Website, and any other uses are expressly excluded.

A violation of the terms provided in this paragraph will also be punished according to relevant laws as unfair competition.


19. Data Protection

All the personal data provided by you during your use of the Website will be processed and used by EBank and EE in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which must be expressly accepted by you in order to be allowed to use the Website


20. Cookies

A cookie is a small text file which is stored on your hard disk by the website you visit. The text file contains information and is, among other things, used for supporting the visitor's use of the relevant website.

The cookies used during your use of the Website will be processed and used by EBank and EE in accordance with our Cookie Policy, which must be expressly accepted by you in order to be allowed to use the Website


21. Access to the Website from abroad

Each User who accesses the Website from a country other than Egypt must comply fully with the present Terms of Use and Applicable Laws in Egypt and explicitly guarantees to use the Website and its contents in such a way that the above laws are not violated.


22. Changes or additions to the Website

 EBank and EE can replace, add, modify and/or amend the Website and/or its Contents as well as its implemented technology at any time without notice and at its own discretion. In this context EBank discloses that such activities may result in a temporary or permanent loss of access to the Website and/or its Content and EBank will not be held liable for any loss to any Company content.


23. Governing law and jurisdiction

The Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of Egypt.


24. Miscellaneous

If any provision of the Terms of Use is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Terms of Use remain in full force and effect.

Should a User object to the Terms of Use or any subsequent modifications thereto or become dissatisfied with the Website in any way, EBank will use its reasonable endeavours to accommodate a User’s request to amend the Terms of Use or update the Website as the case may be. Should EBank be unable to assist the User’s request, the User has the option to either accept the Terms of Use and any modifications thereto and continue to use the Website or to immediately discontinue the use of the Website.

 EBank's failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by EBank in writing. Each User and EBank agree that any cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Website must commence within one (1) year after the cause of action arose; otherwise, such cause of action is permanently barred.

The section titles in the Terms of Use are solely used for the convenience of the parties and have no legal or contractual significance.


25. How to Contact Us

If you have reports, questions or comments about these Terms of Use please use the “contact us” feature of the Website.